Pycnoclavella producta

, Pycnoclavella producta
Water Type: Marine

Pycnoclavella producta is a colonial tunicate species belonging to the family Clavelinidae. These small, colonial organisms are commonly found in various marine environments, contributing to the biodiversity of these ecosystems.

Description & Characteristics

Pycnoclavella producta colonies are characterized by their small size, typically reaching a maximum length of 10 millimeters. They are usually white or yellowish in color and possess a distinctive, cylindrical shape. Each individual zooid within the colony is connected to its neighbors by a thin, transparent stolon, forming a chain-like structure.

Habitat and Occurrence

Pycnoclavella producta is a widespread species, inhabiting a variety of marine environments. They are commonly found in intertidal zones, particularly in areas with rocky substrates. This species can also be observed in subtidal zones, typically at depths ranging from the surface to approximately 50 meters. Its presence has been recorded in both the neritic and oceanic zones, highlighting its adaptability to diverse marine ecosystems.


Pycnoclavella producta is classified within the Class Ascidiacea, Order Aplousobranchia, and Family Clavelinidae. This taxonomic classification reflects its evolutionary relationships with other tunicates and underscores its distinct characteristics within the larger group of marine invertebrates.


Like other tunicates, Pycnoclavella producta is a filter feeder. Each zooid possesses a specialized structure called a siphon, through which it draws in water. The water is then passed through a fine sieve-like structure known as the branchial basket, where microscopic food particles are captured. This efficient feeding mechanism allows Pycnoclavella producta to thrive in a wide range of marine environments.

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