Pacific mutton hamlet – Alphestes immaculatus

Pacific mutton hamlet, Pacific Mutton Hamlet, Alphestes immaculatus
Size: 30 cm
Depth: 1 - 50 m
Water Type: Marine
Temperature: 50 °F - 75.2 °F (10°C - 24°C)

The Pacific Mutton Hamlet (Alphestes immaculatus) is a species of fish belonging to the Serranidae family, commonly known as sea basses. This fish is a captivating inhabitant of coral reefs and rocky shores, exhibiting distinctive physical characteristics and fascinating behaviors.

Description & Characteristics

The Pacific Mutton Hamlet (Alphestes immaculatus) is a relatively small fish, reaching a maximum size of approximately 30.0 cm. Its body is generally elongated and compressed, with a prominent, slightly pointed snout. The coloration of this fish is a captivating blend of hues, typically exhibiting a pale brown or gray base with scattered dark spots and blotches. Its fins, particularly the dorsal and anal fins, often display bright yellow or orange margins, creating a striking contrast against its body coloration. The Pacific Mutton Hamlet (Alphestes immaculatus) is distinguished by its unique habit of swimming in a vertical position, head-down, with its body angled upwards.

Habitat and Occurrence

The Pacific Mutton Hamlet (Alphestes immaculatus) prefers a relatively shallow habitat, inhabiting depths ranging from 1.0 to 50.0 meters. It is commonly found in coral reefs, rocky shores, and other coastal marine environments. The Pacific Mutton Hamlet (Alphestes immaculatus) is a prevalent presence in these aquatic ecosystems, particularly in the Indo-Pacific region, extending from the Red Sea and the eastern coast of Africa to the Pacific islands.


The Pacific Mutton Hamlet (Alphestes immaculatus) belongs to the Class: Teleostei, Order: Perciformes, and Family: Serranidae. The Teleostei class encompasses a vast majority of bony fishes, characterized by their advanced skeletal structures and streamlined bodies. The Perciformes order, commonly known as the perch-like fishes, is one of the most diverse and successful groups of fishes, with a wide range of body shapes and feeding habits. The Serranidae family, commonly known as the sea basses, is a group of mostly predatory fishes, known for their robust bodies and powerful jaws. The Pacific Mutton Hamlet (Alphestes immaculatus) represents one of the unique and fascinating members of this diverse family.


The Pacific Mutton Hamlet (Alphestes immaculatus) is a carnivorous fish with a diet that primarily consists of crustaceans, such as shrimp, crabs, and krill. These small invertebrates are essential components of its diet, providing the nutrients necessary for its growth and survival.

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