Margarita Egg Cowrie – Diminovula margarita

, Margarita Egg Cowrie - Diminovula margarita, Diminovula margarita
Depth: 5 - 30 m
Water Type: Marine
Toxicity: Toxic hazard unknown
Red List Status: Not evaluated (NE)
Temperature: 73.4 °F - 80.6 °F (23°C - 27°C)

The Margarita Egg Cowrie – Diminovula margarita is a captivating marine gastropod known for its unique shell and intricate life cycle. This small, colorful cowrie is a fascinating example of the biodiversity found within coral reef ecosystems.

Description & Characteristics

The Diminovula margarita is characterized by its relatively small size, typically reaching a maximum length of 10 mm. Its shell is smooth and glossy, exhibiting a vibrant color palette. The background color is typically a creamy white, adorned with intricate patterns of reddish-brown to orange markings. This intricate coloration can vary in intensity depending on the individual cowrie and its environment.

Habitat and Occurrence

The Diminovula margarita is a creature of the coral reefs. It prefers to reside on living corals, making it a common sight in these vibrant underwater ecosystems. This species thrives in seawater environments, particularly in the tropical and subtropical waters of the Indo-Pacific region. Its presence extends across various marine zones, from the shallow intertidal areas to deeper reef environments.


The Diminovula margarita is scientifically classified within the Class: Gastropoda, Order: Littorinimorpha, and Family: Ovulidae. This classification reflects its close relationship to other cowrie species, sharing common characteristics and evolutionary history.

Distribution and Occurrence

The Diminovula margarita is a common inhabitant of coral reefs throughout the Indo-Pacific region. Its distribution encompasses a vast area, spanning from the Red Sea and the East African coast eastward to the Pacific Ocean, encompassing locations like Indonesia, the Philippines, and Australia. This wide distribution speaks to its adaptability and successful colonization of diverse reef environments.


The Diminovula margarita is a carnivore, specifically specializing in a parasitic feeding strategy. It relies on coral polyps as its primary food source. This feeding habit makes it a corallivorous species, playing a unique role in the complex web of interactions within coral reef ecosystems.

Associated Species

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