Many-lined sweetlips – Plectorhinchus multivittatus

Many-lined sweetlips, Manyline Sweetlip, Manybanded Sweetlips, Many-lined Sweetlips - Plectorhinchus multivittatus, Plectorhinchus multivittatus
Size: 50 cm
Depth: 2 - 50 m
Water Type: Marine
Toxicity: Toxic hazard unknown
Red List Status: Least concern (LC)
Temperature: ~ 21.5-32.2°C

The Manyline Sweetlip, Manybanded Sweetlips, Many-lined Sweetlips, scientifically known as Plectorhinchus multivittatus, is a captivating marine fish species renowned for its striking appearance.

Description & Characteristics

Plectorhinchus multivittatus is a relatively large fish that can reach a maximum size of 50.0 cm. Its body is elongated and laterally compressed, with a distinct dorsal fin that features a prominent, spiny anterior portion followed by a soft, rayed posterior section. This fish is easily recognized by its striking coloration, featuring a base color of brown or gray that is adorned with numerous, vertical, white stripes that run the length of its body, giving it its characteristic “many-lined” appearance. These stripes are particularly prominent in juveniles, making them easily identifiable.

Habitat and Occurrence

The Manyline Sweetlip, Manybanded Sweetlips, Many-lined Sweetlips (Plectorhinchus multivittatus) thrives in a variety of coastal habitats, including coral reefs, rocky reefs, and rubble floors. This adaptable species is commonly found in the inshore zones of tropical and subtropical waters, typically within the subtidal, sublittoral, infralittoral, and deep zones of the oceans, ranging from the lower limit of the intertidal zone to the shelf edge at about 200 m water depth. This broad habitat preference makes Plectorhinchus multivittatus a frequent inhabitant of the neritic zone, the coastal area of the ocean that extends from the shoreline to the edge of the continental shelf.


The species Plectorhinchus multivittatus belongs to the Class: Teleostei, Order: Eupercaria incertae sedis, and Family: Haemulidae. This classification places it within the diverse group of bony fishes known as Teleostei, which encompasses the vast majority of fish species. It further falls within the Eupercaria incertae sedis order, a group of fishes that are still being studied and reclassified. Finally, Plectorhinchus multivittatus is a member of the Haemulidae family, commonly known as grunts or sweetlips, which are characterized by their distinct sounds produced by rubbing their teeth together.


The Manyline Sweetlip, Manybanded Sweetlips, Many-lined Sweetlips (Plectorhinchus multivittatus) is a carnivore with a varied diet. This fish primarily feeds on crustaceans, small fishes (including little fishes), mysis, nekton, shrimps, and zoobenthos. Its feeding habits are indicative of a opportunistic predator, taking advantage of available prey within its habitat. The species’ diet contributes to its ecological role as a significant player in the food web of coastal marine ecosystems.

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