Magpie Mitre – Strigatella pica

, Magpie Mitre - Strigatella pica, Strigatella pica
Water Type: Marine
Toxicity: Toxic hazard unknown
Red List Status: Not evaluated (NE)
Temperature: °F - 78.8 °F (°C - 26°C)

The Magpie Mitre – Strigatella pica is a distinctive and captivating marine gastropod known for its striking appearance and predatory nature. This species, belonging to the Mitridae family, is a captivating example of the diversity found within the vast realm of marine life.

Description and Characteristics

The Strigatella pica is characterized by its elongated, conical shell, typically reaching a maximum size of approximately 50 millimeters. Its shell surface is adorned with a mesmerizing pattern of black and white markings, resembling the plumage of a magpie, hence its common name. This intricate coloration provides camouflage within its natural habitat.

Habitat and Occurrence

The Magpie Mitre – Strigatella pica – exhibits a preference for shallow waters, primarily inhabiting the intertidal zone and the subtidal region. This species thrives in rocky and sandy environments, often residing amongst seaweed and coral reefs. The Strigatella pica is commonly encountered in the tropical and subtropical waters of the Indo-Pacific region, where it thrives in the vibrant and biodiverse ecosystems of this marine zone.


The species Strigatella pica belongs to the Class: Gastropoda, Order: Neogastropoda, and Family: Mitridae. This classification reflects the evolutionary relationships and shared characteristics within this group of marine snails.


The Magpie Mitre – Strigatella pica – is a carnivore, relying on a diet primarily consisting of other marine invertebrates. Its predatory nature is evident in its feeding habits, which include scavenging on carrion as well as actively hunting live prey. This adaptability allows the Strigatella pica to thrive in a variety of ecological niches within its preferred habitat.

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