Magnus’ prawn-goby – Amblyeleotris sungami

Magnus' prawn-goby, Magnus Prawn-goby, Amblyeleotris sungami
Size: 10 cm
Depth: 2 - 20 m
Water Type: Marine
Toxicity: Toxic hazard unknown
Red List Status: Not evaluated (NE)
Temperature: 75.38 °F - 84.56 °F (24.1°C - 29.2°C)

The Magnus Prawn-goby, scientifically known as Amblyeleotris sungami, is a small, vibrant fish species belonging to the Goby family. This fascinating creature, native to the Indo-Pacific region, displays a captivating blend of colors and patterns, attracting the attention of both aquarists and marine enthusiasts alike.

Description & Characteristics

The Magnus Prawn-goby, Amblyeleotris sungami, is a relatively small fish, reaching a maximum size of 10.0 cm. Its body is elongated and slender, with a distinctive, somewhat compressed profile. The fish’s color pattern is striking, featuring a dominant orange hue interspersed with bright yellow stripes and patches. This vibrant color palette, along with its slender form, contributes to its attractive appearance, making it a sought-after addition to marine aquariums.

Habitat and Occurrence

The Magnus Prawn-goby, Amblyeleotris sungami, is a reef-associated species. Its preferred habitat includes coral reefs, rocky shores, and seagrass beds. This fish is a common inhabitant of shallow waters, typically residing in depths ranging from the surface to around 50 meters. Its preferred marine zones encompass both tropical and subtropical regions. The Amblyeleotris sungami is a widespread species in the Indo-Pacific region, ranging from the Red Sea and East Africa to the Pacific Ocean.


The Magnus Prawn-goby, Amblyeleotris sungami, is a member of the Goby family (Gobiidae), a diverse group of fish found worldwide. The Gobies belong to the Order: Gobiiformes, and the Class: Teleostei, which includes the majority of bony fishes.


The Amblyeleotris sungami is primarily a carnivore, feeding on a variety of small invertebrates. Its diet includes brine shrimp nauplii, brine shrimps, flakes, frozen foods (especially the larger variety), and zooplankton. This diverse diet contributes to its overall health and vitality.

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