The Luther’s Prawn-goby, scientifically known as Cryptocentrus lutheri, is a captivating fish species belonging to the Goby family. This fish is renowned for its intriguing behavior and striking appearance.
Description & Characteristics
The Cryptocentrus lutheri is a relatively small fish, reaching a maximum size of 11.0 cm. Its body is elongated and slender, with a pointed snout and large eyes. The dorsal fin is divided into two parts, the first of which is short and spiny, while the second is longer and soft-rayed. The anal fin is also elongated and soft-rayed. The caudal fin is rounded. The overall color of the Luther’s Prawn-goby is a pale brown to grayish-brown, with darker markings along the flanks and a series of black spots on the dorsal fin. The fish’s body is covered with small scales.
Habitat and Occurrence
The Luther’s Prawn-goby is a common inhabitant of seagrass meadows and eelgrass meadows, where it finds shelter amongst the vegetation. It’s primarily found in the subtidal, sublittoral, infralittoral, and deep zones of the ocean, ranging from the lower limit of the intertidal zone to the shelf edge at about 200 m water depth. This makes it a frequent resident of the neritic zone. The species’ preference for these habitats is likely linked to the availability of food and protection from predators.
The Cryptocentrus lutheri is classified under the Teleostei class, part of the Gobiiformes order, and belongs to the Gobiidae family. This scientific classification highlights its connection to a large and diverse group of fish known for their characteristic features and adaptations to diverse environments.
The Luther’s Prawn-goby, Cryptocentrus lutheri, is an opportunistic feeder, consuming a variety of food sources available in its habitat. Its diet includes amphipods, brine shrimp nauplii, brine shrimps, copepods, cyclops, detritus, food tablets, frozen food (small sorts), mysis, pellets, and zoobenthos. This diverse diet allows it to thrive in its chosen environment, where a range of food options are readily available.
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