Lima tetrica, commonly known as the Tetrica File Clam, is a species of bivalve mollusc belonging to the family Limidae. This unique clam is a captivating member of the marine ecosystem, known for its distinct characteristics and fascinating life cycle.
Description & Characteristics
Lima tetrica is a small to medium-sized clam, reaching a maximum size of approximately 50 millimeters. Its shell exhibits a delicate, translucent white coloration, often adorned with intricate patterns of reddish-brown or purple markings. The shell’s surface is characterized by numerous radial ribs, providing a textured aesthetic. The valves of the shell are slightly asymmetrical, with the left valve slightly larger and more convex than the right. The clam’s mantle is a vibrant shade of orange, creating a striking contrast against its white shell. Lima tetrica possesses long, slender tentacles, called ctenidia, which extend from its mantle and function in both feeding and respiration. These tentacles are used to capture small food particles suspended in the water.
Habitat and Occurrence
Lima tetrica is a predominantly benthic species, inhabiting shallow to moderately deep marine environments. This species can typically be found in the intertidal zone to depths of around 100 meters. It prefers habitats characterized by rocky substrates, coral reefs, or seagrass beds. Lima tetrica is known to occur in the Indo-Pacific region, specifically along the coasts of Australia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Lima tetrica primarily inhabits the neritic zone, a marine environment that extends from the shoreline to the edge of the continental shelf.
Lima tetrica is classified within the Class Bivalvia, which encompasses a diverse group of mollusks with two hinged shells. Within the Class Bivalvia, Lima tetrica belongs to the Order Limida, a group characterized by their file-shaped shells and unique adaptations for filter feeding. Finally, Lima tetrica is further classified within the Family Limidae, which contains a variety of file clams known for their delicate shells and vibrant coloration.
Lima tetrica is a filter feeder, relying on a unique mechanism to obtain its sustenance. It utilizes its ctenidia, the long tentacles extending from its mantle, to capture tiny food particles suspended in the water. As water flows through the clam’s gills, the ctenidia filter out plankton, algae, and other microscopic organisms. These captured food particles are then transported to the clam’s mouth for ingestion.
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