The Latticed Corklet, scientifically known as Cataphellia brodricii, is a captivating marine invertebrate belonging to the captivating world of sea anemones. This striking species, with its distinct appearance and unique characteristics, plays a crucial role in the delicate balance of coastal ecosystems.
Description & Characteristics
The Cataphellia brodricii is a small, but visually striking sea anemone, typically reaching a maximum size of a few centimeters in diameter. It is characterized by its robust, cylindrical body, adorned with a crown of slender tentacles arranged in multiple rings. These tentacles, often showcasing a vibrant red or orange hue, possess a distinctive latticed pattern, hence the common name “Latticed Corklet.” This intricate pattern, created by the arrangement of stinging cells called nematocysts, serves both for defense and capturing prey.
Habitat and Occurrence
The Cataphellia brodricii is a common inhabitant of coastal waters, thriving in a variety of marine environments. It prefers rocky substrates, particularly those adorned with gravel, rubble, or sandy sea floors. This adaptable species can be found in both the intertidal zone, where it endures the ebb and flow of tides, and the subtidal zone, where it resides below the low tide mark. Often found in kelp forests, this anemone thrives in the sublittoral, infralittoral, and deep zones of the oceans, ranging from the lower limit of the intertidal zone to depths of about 200 meters. This makes Cataphellia brodricii a prominent fixture of neritic environments, showcasing its remarkable resilience and adaptability.
The Cataphellia brodricii is classified within the scientific realm as follows: it belongs to the Class: Hexacorallia, an order of animals characterized by their radially symmetrical body plan and six-fold symmetry. This species is further categorized under the Order: Actiniaria, which encompasses a vast array of sea anemones. Finally, Cataphellia brodricii falls within the Family: Hormathiidae, a group of sea anemones known for their distinctive features and ecological roles.
The Cataphellia brodricii exhibits a fascinating symbiotic relationship with microscopic algae known as zooxanthellae. These single-celled organisms reside within the anemone’s tissues, benefiting from the anemone’s waste products while providing the anemone with a significant portion of its energy requirements through photosynthesis. This unique partnership allows the Cataphellia brodricii to thrive in nutrient-poor environments, highlighting the intricate balance of nature.
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