The Indian Ocean Humbug, Indian Ocean Humbug Damselfish, scientifically known as Dascyllus abudafur, is a captivating and commonly encountered fish species residing in the warm, tropical waters of the Indian Ocean. This captivating damselfish, with its distinctive markings and intriguing behavior, has become a popular choice for home aquariums.
Description & Characteristics
The Indian Ocean Humbug Dascyllus abudafur is a relatively small fish, reaching a maximum size of about 8 centimeters. Its body is characterized by a striking black and white coloration, with three prominent black bands encircling its body. The first band starts at the snout and extends through the eye, the second band runs along the dorsal fin, and the third band traverses the caudal fin. These black bands are set against a brilliant white background, creating a visually striking contrast that is easily recognizable. Juveniles of Dascyllus abudafur exhibit a unique color pattern, lacking the black bands. Instead, they have a bright yellow body with a black stripe extending from their eyes.
Habitat and Occurrence
The Indian Ocean Humbug Dascyllus abudafur can be found throughout the tropical waters of the Indian Ocean. Its preferred habitat consists of shallow coral reefs, particularly areas with abundant branching corals and crevices, where it finds shelter and protection. This species is primarily found in the neritic zone, the marine zone extending from the coastline to the edge of the continental shelf, with a typical depth range of 1 to 25 meters.
The Indian Ocean Humbug Dascyllus abudafur is a member of the Pomacentridae family, also known as the damselfish family. This family encompasses a diverse group of small, colorful fish, known for their often striking color patterns and territorial behavior. Dascyllus abudafur belongs to the Class: Teleostei, Order: Ovalentaria incertae sedis, and Family: Pomacentridae, placing it within a broad taxonomic grouping of ray-finned fishes.
The Indian Ocean Humbug Dascyllus abudafur is primarily a planktivore, feeding on zooplankton. These small, drifting organisms provide a crucial source of sustenance for this damselfish. Their diet typically consists of copepods, larval crustaceans, and other minute marine organisms.
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