Girdled Glossodoris – Glossodoris cincta

, Girdled Glossodoris, Glossodoris cincta

The Girdled Glossodoris – Glossodoris cincta is a striking and colorful species of sea slug, belonging to the family Chromodorididae. Found throughout the Indo-Pacific region, these nudibranchs are renowned for their vibrant colors and intricate patterns.

Description & Characteristics

The Girdled Glossodoris is a relatively large nudibranch, reaching a maximum size of 60 millimeters. Its body is typically elongated and oval-shaped, adorned with a prominent, almost “girdled” band of bright orange or red across the middle, contrasting beautifully against its deep blue background. This vivid band, along with its overall blue coloration, distinguishes this species from its close relatives. The Girdled Glossodoris, like all nudibranchs, lacks a shell, but it compensates with its vibrant color and patterns, which serve as a warning to potential predators. It is a visually striking and captivating creature.

Habitat and Occurrence

The Girdled Glossodoris – Glossodoris cincta typically inhabits tropical and subtropical waters of the Indo-Pacific region. This nudibranch is commonly found in the intertidal zone and down to depths of 20 meters, frequently observed amongst coral reefs, rocky shores, and seagrass meadows. The species thrives in shallow, sheltered habitats, often observed in the Indo-Pacific’s warm, clear waters. The Girdled Glossodoris exhibits a preference for coastal and reef environments within the Indo-Pacific’s marine zones.


The species Glossodoris cincta belongs to the Class Gastropoda, Order Nudibranchia, and Family Chromodorididae, grouping it with a diverse array of shell-less marine gastropods known for their captivating colors and intriguing adaptations.


The Girdled Glossodoris – Glossodoris cincta is a specialist feeder, relying primarily on sponges for its dietary needs. It is an important part of the marine ecosystem, contributing to the control of sponge populations and playing a crucial role in the interconnected web of life in its habitat.

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