Dusky Brown Taringa – Taringa aivica

, Dusky Brown Taringa - Taringa aivica, Taringa aivica
Water Type: Marine
Toxicity: Toxic hazard unknown
Red List Status: Not evaluated (NE)

The Dusky Brown Taringa, scientifically known as Taringa aivica, is a fascinating and intriguing species of sea slug belonging to the family Discodorididae. This nudibranch is distinguished by its captivating appearance and unique dietary preferences.

Description & Characteristics

Taringa aivica is aptly named for its dusky brown coloration, often exhibiting a mottled pattern. The body of this sea slug is typically elongated and flattened, a characteristic common to many nudibranchs. It can grow to a considerable size, reaching maximum lengths of several centimeters, making it a noticeable presence in its habitat.

Habitat and Occurrence

The Dusky Brown Taringa, Taringa aivica, is a creature of the sea, thriving in seawater environments. Specifically, it is found in the subtidal, sublittoral, and infralittoral zones of the ocean, extending from the lower limit of the intertidal zone to the shelf edge at about 200 m depth. These zones, collectively known as the neritic zone, encompass a wide range of marine habitats, providing a diverse ecosystem for this sea slug to flourish.


The scientific classification of Taringa aivica places it within the Class: Gastropoda, Order: Nudibranchia, and Family: Discodorididae. This classification reflects its evolutionary lineage and shared characteristics with other members of these taxonomic groups.


Taringa aivica is a specialist feeder, its diet consisting almost entirely of sponges. This dietary preference makes it an important element in maintaining the delicate balance of sponge populations within its habitat. As a food specialist, Taringa aivica plays a crucial role in the complex web of interactions within its marine environment.

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