Dorsalspot shrimpgoby – Vanderhorstia dorsomacula

Dorsalspot shrimpgoby, Dorsalspot Shrimpgoby, Vanderhorstia dorsomacula

The Dorsalspot Shrimpgoby, scientifically known as Vanderhorstia dorsomacula, is a captivating species of fish belonging to the Goby family. This small, yet intriguing fish showcases distinctive characteristics and a unique ecological role within its marine habitat.

Description & Characteristics

Vanderhorstia dorsomacula, as its name suggests, possesses a prominent dorsal spot, a key feature that distinguishes it. These gobies are relatively small, reaching a maximum size of 4.0 cm. Their bodies are slender and elongated, with a compressed, almost oval shape.

Habitat and Occurrence

Vanderhorstia dorsomacula has been observed in a depth range of 20.0 to 38.0 meters, indicating its preference for deeper marine environments. This species is typically found in the , suggesting its adaptation to these specific conditions.


Vanderhorstia dorsomacula is scientifically classified within the Class: Teleostei, Order: Gobiiformes, and Family: Gobiidae. This classification places it within a diverse group of fish commonly referred to as gobies, which are known for their adaptability and unique ecological roles.


The Dorsalspot Shrimpgoby’s diet primarily consists of zoobenthos and zooplankton. Zoobenthos refers to organisms that inhabit the bottom of a water body, including small invertebrates, while zooplankton are tiny drifting animals, such as copepods. This feeding behavior highlights Vanderhorstia dorsomacula‘s contribution to the food chain within its marine environment.

Associated Species

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