Crimson triplefin – Enneapterygius qirmiz

Crimson triplefin, Crimson Triplefin , Triplefin Blenny, Enneapterygius qirmiz
Size: 1.7 cm
Depth: 0 - 9 m
Water Type: Marine
Toxicity: Toxic hazard unknown
Red List Status: Least concern (LC)
Temperature: 27,8 °F - 29,3 °F (27,8°C - 29,3°C)

The Crimson Triplefin , Triplefin Blenny – Enneapterygius qirmiz is a small, colorful fish belonging to the triplefin blenny family (Tripterygiidae). This species, discovered in 2002, is known for its vibrant crimson coloration and its affinity for shallow, coastal waters.

Description & Characteristics

The Enneapterygius qirmiz is a relatively diminutive fish, reaching a maximum size of only 1.7 cm. Its most striking feature is its bright crimson body, which can vary in intensity depending on the individual and its surroundings. It has a slender, elongated body with a somewhat flattened head and large, protruding eyes. The fins, including the dorsal, anal, and pectoral fins, are typically transparent or semi-transparent with subtle hints of crimson.

Habitat and Occurrence

The Enneapterygius qirmiz is a marine fish that prefers shallow, coastal waters. It is commonly found in areas with rocky reefs and abundant seaweed, where it can find shelter and access to food. The species has been observed in depths ranging from 0 to 9 meters, primarily inhabiting the intertidal and shallow subtidal zones. Its preferred habitats include seawater and saltwater environments.


The species Enneapterygius qirmiz belongs to the Class: Teleostei, Order: Blenniiformes, and Family: Tripterygiidae. It is part of the larger group of ray-finned fishes (Teleostei), which includes the vast majority of bony fishes. The order Blenniiformes encompasses a diverse range of fishes known as blennies, and the family Tripterygiidae is specifically known for its three-finned members, hence the common name “triplefin.”


The Enneapterygius qirmiz is an opportunistic carnivore, primarily feeding on small invertebrates. Its diet includes a variety of zoobenthos, which are organisms that live on the bottom of the seafloor, and zooplankton, which are small, free-floating organisms that drift in the water column. The Crimson Triplefin , Triplefin Blenny utilizes its agile movements and keen eyesight to locate and capture its prey.

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