Canarian Sea Star – Narcissia canariensis

Canarian Sea Star – Narcissia canariensis
Colours: Red, Orange, Yellow

The Canarian Sea Star is a species in the class of the Starfish and therefore belongs to the phylum of the Echinodermata.


Narcissia canariensis has an even orange colour with a yellow tip at the end of each of its arms. In diameter it reaches a maximum size of 40cm.

Habitat and Distribution

The Canarian Sea Star lives on rocky and sandy soils, from 5 down to a depth of 100m. When diving in the Canaries you can often see it. In addition, its distribution area extends across Cape Verde, the Gulf of Mexico, Madeira, the Azores and the Congo.


Narcissia canariensis feeds on algae.

Associated Species

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