Brownboy goby – Bathygobius laddi

Brownboy goby, , Bathygobius laddi
Size: 5 cm
Water Type: Marine

Bathygobius laddi is a small goby species found in the western Atlantic Ocean. This fish is known for its distinctive features and its role in the marine ecosystem.

Description & Characteristics

Bathygobius laddi can reach a maximum size of 5.0 cm. It is a relatively small fish with a slender body and a rounded head. It is typically a brown color with darker markings, blending well with its surroundings. The species is characterized by its large eyes, which are positioned high on its head, and a prominent dorsal fin with a single spine.

Habitat and Occurrence

Bathygobius laddi is typically found in shallow coastal waters, ranging from the intertidal zone to depths of around 10 meters. Its habitat preference includes rocky reefs, seagrass beds, and mangrove forests. It is commonly found in the western Atlantic Ocean, specifically along the coast of Florida, the Bahamas, and the Caribbean Sea. This distribution makes it a prominent inhabitant of the neritic zone, the area of the ocean that extends from the shoreline to the edge of the continental shelf.


Bathygobius laddi belongs to the family Gobiidae, which is known for its diverse range of fish species. This family is further classified within the order Gobiiformes, which includes many other goby species. These goby species, along with Bathygobius laddi, are further classified within the Class Teleostei, a group of ray-finned fishes.


Bathygobius laddi is a carnivorous fish that feeds primarily on small invertebrates. These include crustaceans, worms, and other small organisms found within its shallow-water habitat. Its diet plays a significant role in its ecological balance, helping to control populations of its prey and contributing to the overall health of the marine ecosystem.

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