Brown Moray Eel – Gymnothorax unicolor


The Brown Moray Eel belongs to the family of Muraenidae and is therefore part of the order of Anguilliformes. Gymnothorax unicolor was first described by Delaroche in 1809.

Description, Anatomy & Characteristics

The Brown Moray Eel has a typically elongated eel-like body. As its name suggests, it is brown in colour with a darker tip. This is at least true for older animals. Younger representatives of the species usually have a somewhat bluish shimmer and a distinctive yellow dorsal fin. In addition, dorsal, tail and anal fins have grown together to form a fin hem.

Compared to other moray eels, only two of four nostrils are clearly visible in Gymnothorax unicolor. It also has a thicker head, with a less pointed mouth than other species in the Canary Islands. Their mouth cleft is large and reaches far behind the eyes. The skin of the brown moray eel is free of scales and covered with a thick slimy layer.

Gymnothorax unicolor reaches a maximum size of more than 100cm.

Habitat & Distribution

The Brown Moray Eel lives in rocky reefs. It spends most of its time in her crevices, its hole or in small caves. It occurs in shallow water, but also in depths down to 300m.

When scuba diving on the Canary Islands, it belongs to the species of moray eels that can be observed more frequently.

In addition, their distribution area extends over the Mediterranean Sea and the adjoining Atlantic Ocean. They can also be found in Madeira, the AzoresCape Verde or on the coasts of Morocco and Portugal.

Associated Species


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