Broadnose sevengill shark – Notorynchus cepedianus

Broadnose sevengill shark, , Notorynchus cepedianus
Size: 300 cm
Depth: 0 - 570 m
Weight: 107000 g
Water Type: Marine, Brackish

_Notorynchus cepedianus_, commonly known as the sevengill shark, is a species of shark belonging to the family Hexanchidae. These sharks are characterized by their distinctive seven gill slits, a feature that sets them apart from other sharks.

Description & Characteristics

_Notorynchus cepedianus_ is a robust shark with a distinctive, elongated body shape. They can grow to a maximum size of 300.0 cm in length. Their dorsal fin is positioned relatively far back on their body, and they possess a single anal fin. The sevengill shark is typically gray or brown in color, with a white underside.

Habitat and Occurrence

_Notorynchus cepedianus_ can be found in a wide range of marine environments, from coastal waters to the open ocean, with a depth range of 0.0 – 570.0 meters. These sharks are commonly encountered in temperate and subtropical waters, with a strong preference for continental shelf and slope habitats. They can be found in both coastal and offshore waters, as well as in areas with rocky bottoms and reefs.


_Notorynchus cepedianus_ belongs to the Class: Elasmobranchii, Order: Hexanchiformes, and Family: Hexanchidae. This family, commonly known as the cow sharks, is characterized by their primitive morphology and the presence of six or seven gill slits. The Order Hexanchiformes is one of the most ancient shark orders, with a lineage dating back millions of years.


_Notorynchus cepedianus_ is a predatory shark with a diverse diet. They feed on a variety of prey, including bony fishes, skates, rays, squid, and even other sharks. Their powerful jaws and sharp teeth allow them to efficiently subdue their prey.

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