Bristly searobin – Prionotus horrens

Bristly searobin, , Prionotus horrens
Water Type: Marine

Prionotus horrens, commonly known as the horrid sea robin, is a species of fish belonging to the family Triglidae, commonly known as sea robins. These fish are known for their unique physical characteristics and their role in the marine ecosystem.

Description and Characteristics

Prionotus horrens exhibits a distinctive appearance, particularly noticeable in its large, flattened head and a prominent, elongated snout. This species is known for its spiny pectoral fins, resembling the limbs of a bird, hence the name “sea robin.” These pectoral fins are particularly prominent and are used for maneuvering along the seafloor. The body of the fish is generally elongated and compressed laterally. It can reach a maximum size of approximately 15 inches. The color of Prionotus horrens varies according to its environment, ranging from brown to reddish-brown, often with darker blotches. The coloration serves as effective camouflage, aiding in blending with the seafloor.

Habitat and Occurrence

Prionotus horrens is a benthic species, primarily inhabiting the bottom of the ocean floor. It thrives in both shallow and deeper waters, with a depth range extending from 5 to 200 meters. Its preferred habitat includes sandy and muddy bottoms, as well as areas with rocky outcrops. The species is predominantly found in the western Atlantic Ocean, ranging from Nova Scotia, Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. This distribution encompasses various marine zones, including the epipelagic zone (surface to 200 meters) and the mesopelagic zone (200 to 1000 meters).


Prionotus horrens belongs to the Class: Teleostei, Order: Perciformes, and Family: Triglidae. The Teleostei group represents the largest order of ray-finned fishes, encompassing a vast majority of the world’s fish species. Within this group, Prionotus horrens belongs to the order Perciformes, which comprises a diverse array of fish, including perches, basses, and wrasses. Finally, Prionotus horrens is a member of the Triglidae family, which includes all sea robins.


Prionotus horrens is a carnivorous species, feeding primarily on small invertebrates and crustaceans. It utilizes its prominent pectoral fins to forage along the seafloor, disturbing the sediment to uncover prey. Using its sensitive barbels, located near its mouth, the sea robin can detect and locate prey buried beneath the sand. It is an opportunistic feeder, consuming a wide variety of small organisms, including shrimp, crabs, and worms.

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