Bluetail mullet – Crenimugil buchanani

Bluetail mullet, Crenimugil buchanani, Crenimugil buchanani
Size: 100 cm
Depth: 0 - 10 m
Water Type: Marine, Brackish, Freshwater

Crenimugil buchanani, commonly known as the Crenimugil buchanani, is a species of fish found in the marine waters of the Indo-Pacific region.

Description & Characteristics

Crenimugil buchanani is a relatively large fish, with individuals reaching a maximum size of 100.0 cm. The species is distinguished by its characteristic features and morphology, which contribute to its unique identification within its habitat.

Habitat and Occurrence

Crenimugil buchanani is a marine fish that typically inhabits coastal waters, often found in depths ranging from 0.0 to 10.0 meters. Its preference for shallower environments makes it a prevalent presence in these aquatic ecosystems. The species is commonly encountered in the Indo-Pacific region, inhabiting marine zones that provide suitable conditions for its survival and reproduction.


Crenimugil buchanani belongs to the Class: Teleostei, Order: Mugiliformes, and Family: Mugilidae. This classification places it within a group of fish known for their distinctive physical characteristics and ecological adaptations. The Teleostei class encompasses a vast majority of bony fishes, highlighting the evolutionary success of this group. Within the Mugiliformes order, Crenimugil buchanani shares a common ancestry with other species known for their herbivorous diets and their ability to thrive in coastal environments. The Mugilidae family, which includes mullets, is characterized by its streamlined bodies, large scales, and specialized feeding mechanisms.


Crenimugil buchanani is an herbivorous fish that primarily feeds on algae and other plant matter. Its diet is adapted to the availability of food resources in its coastal habitat, highlighting its ecological role in the marine ecosystem. Its feeding habits contribute to the balance of plant growth and nutrient cycling within its environment.

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