Balanus calidus

, Balanus calidus, Balanus calidus
Water Type: Marine

Balanus calidus, commonly referred to as the “calidus barnacle,” is a species of barnacle that belongs to the family Balanidae. This species is found in various marine environments and is known for its unique characteristics and adaptations.

Description & Characteristics

Balanus calidus typically exhibits a conical shell, characteristic of many barnacle species. The shell, which serves as both protection and support for the barnacle, can reach a maximum size of several centimeters. It is characterized by a series of overlapping plates, forming a protective structure around the soft body of the barnacle. The barnacle attaches itself to surfaces using a strong, adhesive base, allowing it to remain firmly fixed in its environment.

Habitat and Occurrence

Balanus calidus is primarily found in the intertidal zone, where it thrives in a variety of habitats. This species is particularly common on rocky shores, piers, and other hard surfaces exposed to the sea. The Balanus calidus can tolerate a wide range of salinity and temperature conditions, making it adaptable to various coastal environments. In terms of marine zones, it is most frequently found in the Neritic zone, which encompasses the coastal waters extending from the shoreline to the edge of the continental shelf.


Balanus calidus is a member of the infraclass Thecostraca, which includes a diverse group of crustaceans known for their calcified shells. Within Thecostraca, it belongs to the Order Balanomorpha, a group of barnacles that are characterized by their sedentary lifestyle and their attachment to surfaces. The Balanus calidus belongs to the Family Balanidae, a group of barnacles that includes many commonly recognized species.


Balanus calidus is a filter feeder, relying on the movement of water to bring food particles to its mouth. It uses its appendages, located inside the shell, to trap and consume plankton and other small organisms suspended in the water. The barnacle’s feeding strategy is crucial for its survival, as it provides it with the necessary nutrients for growth and reproduction.

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